Another New Factory Investment from EDS GLOBAL....The Construction of Our Second Factory Has Started

EDS GLOBAL has taken a new investment decision in the Türkiye-Sakarya region in order to make one of the biggest investments in the sector recently and has started the construction of its second factory. After our new factory comes into operation, this investment will be an investment that will carry Türkiye to a position where it can compete with Europe and the world in the production of hydrophore and expansion tanks. In this facility, all sheet metal forming operations will be produced in full automation-robotic press lines in high numbers without human touch, and high technology will be used in both welding and painting and assembly operations. Thus, EDS GLOBAL will reach a significant market share in the world markets ahead of its competitors in Europe in terms of both quality and production numbers.

We would like to express our gratitude to our employees, suppliers, board of directors, and the people of our environment who supported us during this process, as well as our Mayor of Erenler, our Mayor of Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality and our Governor of Sakarya.


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